Instagram: BZ2S6uPgf0D
Jan 13th 2018
Not sure when these photos were taken, both courtesy of official Chris Cornell Facebook page… Chris with arms around his love Vicky pictured here with Linda Ramone and of course Chris with Johnny Ramone.. Always loved the Ramones, punk pedigree and two absolute legends, Chris, we miss you, Vicky, really hope your getting through this alright, we love you and your family as well as Chris ❤️💔🙏… #noonesingslikeyouanymore #noonesmileslikeyouanymore #thankschriscornell #missyouchriscornell #soundgarden #vickycornell #tonivasil1 #lindaramone #johnnyramone #fanlove ♡🎼🇦🇺🎶👏❤️😢😢🌹🌻🌈